Humans And Animals
Humans are animals countrymen . He has much in common with other animals . At the same time he has many traits that distinguish him from other animals , and these characteristics are superior to animals placed . There are the main characteristics of the underlying , which distinguishes humans from other living beings . Human human traits determined by these traits . These characteristics , which are also the source of what is known as human cultures , relates to two things . Namely , attitudes and trends .
In general, animals have the ability to see and know himself and the world around it . And armed with the knowledge gained from seeing and knowing this , the animals attempt to get what he wants . Unlike other animals , humans also have a lot of desire . And with the knowledge and understanding , humans seek to fulfill his desire . Humans differ from other living beings . The difference is humans know more , understand more , and higher levels of desire .
This distinction - owned distinguish human beings from animals , and make humans are superior to other animals .
Knowledge and desire Animals
Only through the senses ( a tool to feel , smell , hearing , seeing , feeling , and instinctively felt something - pen . ) Owned , animals know ( know ) the world . That is why . First , shallow knowledge . Knowledge is not something to master details and have no access to the internal relations that occur in that something. Second , partial knowledge and specific , not universal and not common . Third , regional knowledge ( limited to certain areas ) , because it is limited to the environment and not more than that . Fourth , knowledge is limited at the present time and not with respect to past and future . Animals do not know their own history or the history of the world . Therefore , the animal does not think about his future , and also does not plan its future .
In terms of his knowledge , the animals can not get out of the frame outward , specificity , their environment , and future sekarangnya . Animals never out of these four areas . If by chance to pass the boundaries of these four areas , it happens instinctively and unconsciously , not because of his own will and choice .
Such knowledge , the level of desire and passion animals are also limited in scope . First , all material desires , and no more than eating , drinking , sleeping , playing , mating , and nesting. Animals do not have spiritual needs , moral values , and so on . Secondly , all the desire is personal and individualistic , with regard to the animals themselves , or at best with regard to spouse and children . Third , animals are regional , which is related to the environment alone . Fourth , the animal is instantaneous , which is related to the present.
In other words , the dimensions of desire and inclination in the animal 's existence is finite, so is the knowledge dimension of existence . From this point of view also , the animals must live within certain limits . If animals are pursuing goals beyond this limit and , for example , with respect to the species in general and not with an individual or with respect to the future and not the present , as seen occur in certain animals that live in groups such as bees , it happens unconscious , instinctive , and because of the direct rule of powers that have been created and the set throughout nature .
Knowledge and Human Interest
Human authority in the field of knowledge , information and views , and in the field of desires and inclinations , very wide and high . Knowledge departs from something external to the internal realities of the things that happened in relation to each other in something that , and something to the laws that govern it . Human knowledge is not confined to a particular space or time . Human knowledge to overcome such boundaries . On the one hand , human knowledge of events that happened before he was born , and on the other humans even know the planets other than the earth and the stars . Humans know the past and future . He knows its own history and the history of the world , namely the history of the earth , sky , mountains , rivers , plants and living organisms . Who became human brain is not only the distant future , but also things that are infinite and eternal . Most of these things known to man . Man is not merely knowing the diversity and distinctiveness . For the purpose of mastering nature, people find out about the laws of the universe and the universal truth that applies in the world .
From the point of view of the ambitions and aspirations , extraordinary human position , because he was being idealistic , high ideals and thoughts . Targets are also want to accomplish goals that are non - material and not bring material benefits . Such targets are targets that concern the whole human race , and not limited to him and his family alone , or not limited to a particular region or a particular time .
Humans are so idealistic , to the point that he often come first creed and ideology and defer the other value . He even considers serving others is more important than realizing his own welfare . And the man looked at the thorn that pierced the feet of others such as stab his own feet or even his own eyes . He felt sympathetic to others and want to share the joy and sorrow . Humans are so full of faith and dedication to the sacred ideology , to the point that he easily sacrificed his life for the sake of the holy faith and ideology . Human aspect of human culture is regarded as the true spirit of that culture is the result of such feelings and desires .
Basis of Human Character
Thanks to the collective efforts of humans for centuries , humans have a broad knowledge and understanding of the world . Information obtained and collected and developed . After experiencing the process and systematization , this information later became known as the " science " in a broader meaning , ie the sum of all human ideas about the cosmos ( the universe ) . It includes also a philosophy , a product of the collective efforts of humans who were given a special form of logic .
The tendency of high spiritual and human consciousness exist because humans believe certain realities of this world , and because of his dedication to these realities . These realities not individualistic in nature and is not material . Comprehensive and general in nature , in which there is no matter of economic gain , and in turn is the result of specific knowledge and understanding of the world is communicated to humans by the prophets , or born of idealistic thinking most philosophers .
However , the trend of higher spiritual and suprahewani existing in human beings , if essentially doctrinal and intellectual infrastructure , using the name of religion . Therefore , the conclusion is that the fundamental distinction between humans and other living things is knowledge and religion , and that religion is the basis of knowledge and of the human race and the human race is dependent on the knowledge and religion .
Been much discussed about the differences between humans and other animal species . The majority holds that between humans and other animal species that there is no fundamental difference . They say that the difference is the difference in the quantity of knowledge , or at best a difference in quality , but not a difference in nature . They looked not so important human achievements are extensive and outstanding in the field of knowledge , but these achievements attracted the attention of philosophers of the East and the West .
This group of scholars say that from the standpoint of desire and passion , man is no more than an animal . [ 1 ] Some others believe that the main difference is the difference in life . Man is the only animal that is fully alive . Other animals do not have feelings , and do not know the joy and sorrow . Other animals are just machines that the half life . Therefore , the true definition of man is that man is a living creature . [ 2 ] Other thinkers do not believe it , and found between humans and other living things that exist per ¬ fundamental differences . It seems that the focus of each group of scholars are of the human characteristics . That is why he is then defined by so many different ways . Humans are described as rational animals , creatures that actually sought to get what she wants , being pointless , idealistic creatures , creatures who seek the values , metaphysical animal , insatiable creature , a creature that no limit , being responsible , forward-looking creature , agent ( factor or instruments ) which are free , that rebellious creatures , creatures who like social order , creatures who love beauty , beings who love justice , double -faced creature , romantic creature , creature intuitive , trusting creature double standard , being able to create , lonely creature , a creature that has the attention of the public , being fundamentalist , theoretical , and can making equipment , being supranaturalis , imaginative , spiritualists , transcendentalists , and so on .
Inevitably, each statement is true , judging from its essential qualities of each . However , if we want to obtain an expression that covers all the fundamental difference , then we have to say that man is an animal that is knowledgeable and religion .
Man That Is Human Side Superstructure
We know that man is an animal compatriots . Humans have a lot in common with other animals . But humans also have many distinctive characteristics . Because it has a lot of similarities and differences with other animals , humans have a double life : animal life and human life , material life and cultural life . Here the question arises : What is the relationship between human terms and in terms of animal human , his human life and animal life ? Is the significance of the terms is essential , while the other terms of the value of secondary penungnya ? Is one side into effect, while the other side is simply a reflection of the terms on which to base ? Is one side into the infrastructure , while the other terms of the superstructure ? Is the life of a material is its infrastructure , while ¬ cultural life is the superstructure ? Is man an animal in terms of its infrastructure , while the cultural life of a superstructure ? Is the human animal in terms of infrastructure , in terms of his humanity while the superstructure ?
Today, the question is posed of sociological and psychological standpoint . That is why the discussion revolved around the question of whether in the social characteristics of human , economic trends relating to production and the relations of production is more important than any other human characteristics , especially in terms of reflecting the human humane , and whether other human characteristics and trends only economic superstructure of character ? Another related question is whether true science , philosophy , literature , religion , law , ethics , and art in every age is just a manifestation of economic relations at that time and did not have its own intrinsic value ?
Although this question is asked from a sociological standpoint , however, the discussion inevitably brings the results of psychological and philosophical discussion about human character , which in modern terms known as " humanism " . In general, the conclusion is that the man's humanity is not important . What is important is the human animal alone . In other words , which is supported the view of those who deny the existence of a fundamental difference between humans and animals .
This theory is not only reject the importance of the human tendency to realism , virtue , beauty , and trust in God , but also rejected the importance of human rational approach to the world and the truth . It can be shown that there is no neutral approach . Inevitably, any approach to show a certain material . Surprisingly, most schools that supports the theory that humans are animals , they simultaneously talk about the human side and humanism as well .
The fact that the human evolutionary journey begins with the human animal and move towards human side , a very noble goal . This principle applies to individuals and society . At the beginning of his existence , man is no more than a material organism . Thanks to the fundamental evolutionary movement , humans turned into spiritual substance . Ghost ( spirit ) man born in the natural human body , and later became independent . Side of the human animal is a nest where man's humanity to evolve and mature . Characteristics of evolution is the development of an organism , the more independent and efektiflah him , and he would be even affect the environment . When humans evolved human side , this side is actually heading towards independence and controlling other aspects . It occurs in individuals and society . Individuals who have experienced a development environment to control his inner and outward . The meaning of development is that he has been independent of the dominance of the inner and outer environment , and have the dedication to faith and religion .
The evolution of society just like the natural evolution of the spirit in the body , and the evolution of the human individual in the realm of the individual animal . Community development originated primarily from the impact of the economic system of society is concerned . Cultural and spiritual aspects of society is synonymous with the spirit of the people concerned . Because body and soul influence each other , then between the spiritual and the material system also occurred the same relationship to each other . If the evolution of the individual means that individual walked to freedom , independence and supremacy of the greater soul , it also means that the evolution of society as such. In other words , if a growing community , the cultural life increasingly depends on the material life . Humans are the future of human culture and human religion , creed and ideology , not economic man , the human pursuit of physical pleasure .
Of course , all of this does not mean that human society inevitably tread the straight line towards the perfection of human values , nor does it mean that at every stage of the time step further than the previous time step . It may be past the stage of human social life , which despite the advances in techniques and technology , but man suffered a setback in terms of spiritual and moral , as claimed human experience in our time .
Indeed , from the point of view of the material and the spiritual , the human in general was walking to the front . However, the spiritual movement is not always in a straight line . The movement sometimes stopping , sometimes back to back , and sometimes deviated to the right and to the left . However , in general, is an evolutionary movement forward . That is why we say that man is the future of human culture , not economic man , and the man of the future is the man of religion , creed and ideology , and not the man who pursue physical pleasure .
According to this theory , human aspects in human beings - because these aspects are fundamental - developed following the development of the means of production and growing even before the development of the means of production . Following development, the human aspects of human gradually reduce man's dependence on the natural and social environment , and reduce kesetujuannya to environmental conditions . Then gained independence makes humans stronger dedication to religion and ideology , and increase its capacity affects the natural and social environment . Later , after gaining complete independence , then man becomes stronger dedication to religion and ideology .
In the past , humans less benefit from the gifts of nature and have not been able to fully utilize his abilities alone . He became a prisoner of his animal nature and the prisoners themselves . But in the future humans are better able to utilize the gifts of nature and abilities which is human nature itself. So , for the most part , human nature will be liberated from the prisoner and the prisoner 's own animal tendencies , and control over nature and her even bigger .
According to this view , despite the reality of human nature appear along with material and animal evolution , but the reality is not at all a reflection of the subject - and - development material. It is a reality that is independent and progressive . Although influenced by the material aspects , but also the reality of this influence . Which determines the end of man is the evolution of culture and the reality of his humanity , not the evolution of the means of production . Is a human reality in its evolution led to the means of production grow with the development of other human affairs . Not true when the means of production development happens automatically , and when the man's humanity to be altered by changing the tools that regulate the production system
Humans are animals countrymen . He has much in common with other animals . At the same time he has many traits that distinguish him from other animals , and these characteristics are superior to animals placed . There are the main characteristics of the underlying , which distinguishes humans from other living beings . Human human traits determined by these traits . These characteristics , which are also the source of what is known as human cultures , relates to two things . Namely , attitudes and trends .
In general, animals have the ability to see and know himself and the world around it . And armed with the knowledge gained from seeing and knowing this , the animals attempt to get what he wants . Unlike other animals , humans also have a lot of desire . And with the knowledge and understanding , humans seek to fulfill his desire . Humans differ from other living beings . The difference is humans know more , understand more , and higher levels of desire .
This distinction - owned distinguish human beings from animals , and make humans are superior to other animals .
Knowledge and desire Animals
Only through the senses ( a tool to feel , smell , hearing , seeing , feeling , and instinctively felt something - pen . ) Owned , animals know ( know ) the world . That is why . First , shallow knowledge . Knowledge is not something to master details and have no access to the internal relations that occur in that something. Second , partial knowledge and specific , not universal and not common . Third , regional knowledge ( limited to certain areas ) , because it is limited to the environment and not more than that . Fourth , knowledge is limited at the present time and not with respect to past and future . Animals do not know their own history or the history of the world . Therefore , the animal does not think about his future , and also does not plan its future .
In terms of his knowledge , the animals can not get out of the frame outward , specificity , their environment , and future sekarangnya . Animals never out of these four areas . If by chance to pass the boundaries of these four areas , it happens instinctively and unconsciously , not because of his own will and choice .
Such knowledge , the level of desire and passion animals are also limited in scope . First , all material desires , and no more than eating , drinking , sleeping , playing , mating , and nesting. Animals do not have spiritual needs , moral values , and so on . Secondly , all the desire is personal and individualistic , with regard to the animals themselves , or at best with regard to spouse and children . Third , animals are regional , which is related to the environment alone . Fourth , the animal is instantaneous , which is related to the present.
In other words , the dimensions of desire and inclination in the animal 's existence is finite, so is the knowledge dimension of existence . From this point of view also , the animals must live within certain limits . If animals are pursuing goals beyond this limit and , for example , with respect to the species in general and not with an individual or with respect to the future and not the present , as seen occur in certain animals that live in groups such as bees , it happens unconscious , instinctive , and because of the direct rule of powers that have been created and the set throughout nature .
Knowledge and Human Interest
Human authority in the field of knowledge , information and views , and in the field of desires and inclinations , very wide and high . Knowledge departs from something external to the internal realities of the things that happened in relation to each other in something that , and something to the laws that govern it . Human knowledge is not confined to a particular space or time . Human knowledge to overcome such boundaries . On the one hand , human knowledge of events that happened before he was born , and on the other humans even know the planets other than the earth and the stars . Humans know the past and future . He knows its own history and the history of the world , namely the history of the earth , sky , mountains , rivers , plants and living organisms . Who became human brain is not only the distant future , but also things that are infinite and eternal . Most of these things known to man . Man is not merely knowing the diversity and distinctiveness . For the purpose of mastering nature, people find out about the laws of the universe and the universal truth that applies in the world .
From the point of view of the ambitions and aspirations , extraordinary human position , because he was being idealistic , high ideals and thoughts . Targets are also want to accomplish goals that are non - material and not bring material benefits . Such targets are targets that concern the whole human race , and not limited to him and his family alone , or not limited to a particular region or a particular time .
Humans are so idealistic , to the point that he often come first creed and ideology and defer the other value . He even considers serving others is more important than realizing his own welfare . And the man looked at the thorn that pierced the feet of others such as stab his own feet or even his own eyes . He felt sympathetic to others and want to share the joy and sorrow . Humans are so full of faith and dedication to the sacred ideology , to the point that he easily sacrificed his life for the sake of the holy faith and ideology . Human aspect of human culture is regarded as the true spirit of that culture is the result of such feelings and desires .
Basis of Human Character
Thanks to the collective efforts of humans for centuries , humans have a broad knowledge and understanding of the world . Information obtained and collected and developed . After experiencing the process and systematization , this information later became known as the " science " in a broader meaning , ie the sum of all human ideas about the cosmos ( the universe ) . It includes also a philosophy , a product of the collective efforts of humans who were given a special form of logic .
The tendency of high spiritual and human consciousness exist because humans believe certain realities of this world , and because of his dedication to these realities . These realities not individualistic in nature and is not material . Comprehensive and general in nature , in which there is no matter of economic gain , and in turn is the result of specific knowledge and understanding of the world is communicated to humans by the prophets , or born of idealistic thinking most philosophers .
However , the trend of higher spiritual and suprahewani existing in human beings , if essentially doctrinal and intellectual infrastructure , using the name of religion . Therefore , the conclusion is that the fundamental distinction between humans and other living things is knowledge and religion , and that religion is the basis of knowledge and of the human race and the human race is dependent on the knowledge and religion .
Been much discussed about the differences between humans and other animal species . The majority holds that between humans and other animal species that there is no fundamental difference . They say that the difference is the difference in the quantity of knowledge , or at best a difference in quality , but not a difference in nature . They looked not so important human achievements are extensive and outstanding in the field of knowledge , but these achievements attracted the attention of philosophers of the East and the West .
This group of scholars say that from the standpoint of desire and passion , man is no more than an animal . [ 1 ] Some others believe that the main difference is the difference in life . Man is the only animal that is fully alive . Other animals do not have feelings , and do not know the joy and sorrow . Other animals are just machines that the half life . Therefore , the true definition of man is that man is a living creature . [ 2 ] Other thinkers do not believe it , and found between humans and other living things that exist per ¬ fundamental differences . It seems that the focus of each group of scholars are of the human characteristics . That is why he is then defined by so many different ways . Humans are described as rational animals , creatures that actually sought to get what she wants , being pointless , idealistic creatures , creatures who seek the values , metaphysical animal , insatiable creature , a creature that no limit , being responsible , forward-looking creature , agent ( factor or instruments ) which are free , that rebellious creatures , creatures who like social order , creatures who love beauty , beings who love justice , double -faced creature , romantic creature , creature intuitive , trusting creature double standard , being able to create , lonely creature , a creature that has the attention of the public , being fundamentalist , theoretical , and can making equipment , being supranaturalis , imaginative , spiritualists , transcendentalists , and so on .
Inevitably, each statement is true , judging from its essential qualities of each . However , if we want to obtain an expression that covers all the fundamental difference , then we have to say that man is an animal that is knowledgeable and religion .
Man That Is Human Side Superstructure
We know that man is an animal compatriots . Humans have a lot in common with other animals . But humans also have many distinctive characteristics . Because it has a lot of similarities and differences with other animals , humans have a double life : animal life and human life , material life and cultural life . Here the question arises : What is the relationship between human terms and in terms of animal human , his human life and animal life ? Is the significance of the terms is essential , while the other terms of the value of secondary penungnya ? Is one side into effect, while the other side is simply a reflection of the terms on which to base ? Is one side into the infrastructure , while the other terms of the superstructure ? Is the life of a material is its infrastructure , while ¬ cultural life is the superstructure ? Is man an animal in terms of its infrastructure , while the cultural life of a superstructure ? Is the human animal in terms of infrastructure , in terms of his humanity while the superstructure ?
Today, the question is posed of sociological and psychological standpoint . That is why the discussion revolved around the question of whether in the social characteristics of human , economic trends relating to production and the relations of production is more important than any other human characteristics , especially in terms of reflecting the human humane , and whether other human characteristics and trends only economic superstructure of character ? Another related question is whether true science , philosophy , literature , religion , law , ethics , and art in every age is just a manifestation of economic relations at that time and did not have its own intrinsic value ?
Although this question is asked from a sociological standpoint , however, the discussion inevitably brings the results of psychological and philosophical discussion about human character , which in modern terms known as " humanism " . In general, the conclusion is that the man's humanity is not important . What is important is the human animal alone . In other words , which is supported the view of those who deny the existence of a fundamental difference between humans and animals .
This theory is not only reject the importance of the human tendency to realism , virtue , beauty , and trust in God , but also rejected the importance of human rational approach to the world and the truth . It can be shown that there is no neutral approach . Inevitably, any approach to show a certain material . Surprisingly, most schools that supports the theory that humans are animals , they simultaneously talk about the human side and humanism as well .
The fact that the human evolutionary journey begins with the human animal and move towards human side , a very noble goal . This principle applies to individuals and society . At the beginning of his existence , man is no more than a material organism . Thanks to the fundamental evolutionary movement , humans turned into spiritual substance . Ghost ( spirit ) man born in the natural human body , and later became independent . Side of the human animal is a nest where man's humanity to evolve and mature . Characteristics of evolution is the development of an organism , the more independent and efektiflah him , and he would be even affect the environment . When humans evolved human side , this side is actually heading towards independence and controlling other aspects . It occurs in individuals and society . Individuals who have experienced a development environment to control his inner and outward . The meaning of development is that he has been independent of the dominance of the inner and outer environment , and have the dedication to faith and religion .
The evolution of society just like the natural evolution of the spirit in the body , and the evolution of the human individual in the realm of the individual animal . Community development originated primarily from the impact of the economic system of society is concerned . Cultural and spiritual aspects of society is synonymous with the spirit of the people concerned . Because body and soul influence each other , then between the spiritual and the material system also occurred the same relationship to each other . If the evolution of the individual means that individual walked to freedom , independence and supremacy of the greater soul , it also means that the evolution of society as such. In other words , if a growing community , the cultural life increasingly depends on the material life . Humans are the future of human culture and human religion , creed and ideology , not economic man , the human pursuit of physical pleasure .
Of course , all of this does not mean that human society inevitably tread the straight line towards the perfection of human values , nor does it mean that at every stage of the time step further than the previous time step . It may be past the stage of human social life , which despite the advances in techniques and technology , but man suffered a setback in terms of spiritual and moral , as claimed human experience in our time .
Indeed , from the point of view of the material and the spiritual , the human in general was walking to the front . However, the spiritual movement is not always in a straight line . The movement sometimes stopping , sometimes back to back , and sometimes deviated to the right and to the left . However , in general, is an evolutionary movement forward . That is why we say that man is the future of human culture , not economic man , and the man of the future is the man of religion , creed and ideology , and not the man who pursue physical pleasure .
According to this theory , human aspects in human beings - because these aspects are fundamental - developed following the development of the means of production and growing even before the development of the means of production . Following development, the human aspects of human gradually reduce man's dependence on the natural and social environment , and reduce kesetujuannya to environmental conditions . Then gained independence makes humans stronger dedication to religion and ideology , and increase its capacity affects the natural and social environment . Later , after gaining complete independence , then man becomes stronger dedication to religion and ideology .
In the past , humans less benefit from the gifts of nature and have not been able to fully utilize his abilities alone . He became a prisoner of his animal nature and the prisoners themselves . But in the future humans are better able to utilize the gifts of nature and abilities which is human nature itself. So , for the most part , human nature will be liberated from the prisoner and the prisoner 's own animal tendencies , and control over nature and her even bigger .
According to this view , despite the reality of human nature appear along with material and animal evolution , but the reality is not at all a reflection of the subject - and - development material. It is a reality that is independent and progressive . Although influenced by the material aspects , but also the reality of this influence . Which determines the end of man is the evolution of culture and the reality of his humanity , not the evolution of the means of production . Is a human reality in its evolution led to the means of production grow with the development of other human affairs . Not true when the means of production development happens automatically , and when the man's humanity to be altered by changing the tools that regulate the production system
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